Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Deep Time and the flow of Drama

When Baba addresses anyone in the Murli, first thing He suggests is to be present in Soul Conscious State to get connected with Baba and His oceanic knowledge.

We need to understand the relevance of  being in soul conscious stage while relating with Baba. Baba being the only living Seed of variety human world tree knows our births, knows our purpose. It is believed that when we entered the Copper Age, we had performed great devotion and we got blessings from Shiv Baba for fulfilling our purpose in the Old World.

New World is a place where we enjoy the fruit of our devotion and knowledge together because without devotion we would have never gained knowledge and without knowledge we could have never gained insights for creating a vice-less world. So I feel the New World, no matter how marvelous, is not a place to fulfill our purpose but a place to enjoy once we fulfill our purpose. 

A soul has thirst for both purpose and a result, the satisfaction achieved by living by that purpose.

In the Old World, after getting blessings from Shiv Baba, we start our journey once again to live our purpose which determines our will. Our Purpose makes us determined which shapes the fabric of Drama. What we are to achieve in the end of the World Drama, is what we have aimed from the beginning hence shaping the course of our journey along with the journey for the entire world.

When we sit in Soul Conscious Stage and listen to or churn the knowledge given by Baba, we start remembering our purpose in this world, old world. This knowing of our entire journey can be said as Deep Time because while being in this state we can see the entire movie unfold in front of us. Deep Time refers to the collective memories of the time we have spent in the Corporeal World.  And with that memories and purpose in mind we make progress on our journey. It is believed that even in the Body Conscious Stage, we adhere ourselves deeply but unknowingly with our purpose but the oblivion around it makes the journey painful. 

Each soul has embedded drama in it and the sequence of unfolding of the drama is deeply related to the purpose with which the Soul has come inside the drama to play its part. The part of the Soul requires it to taste different aspects of reality to actually grasp the entirety of its purpose. Few souls, like me, would have come in the Corporeal World to grasp Shiv Baba completely and the enormity and beauty of being Shiv Baba. No wonder we cannot become Shiv Baba, because there is just one God, but by being His children we can begin to understand and live a life that is in an image of Shiv Baba.

I think while pursuing this knowledge and living a brahmin life, one needs to also listen to the deep sound of the inner self to understand their purpose in the corporeal world. Purpose can also be called Destiny when we forget the purpose but Drama, being loyal, remembers and guides us.

Om Shanti

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Lord Ganesha

Om Shanti

Lord Ganesha is the best problem solver, best data scientist. Lord Ganesha – known as Vighan Vinashak, represents the power to solve the problems and analyzing it to find the next steps. Like any other power, the power to problem solve also needs support from other powers.

We know we live in a unified field/unified world/oneness. In nature we see, everything goes so well together, the sky leaves its reflection on the deep sea and the acceptance of the sea enables deep sea creatures to get the warmth of the Sun. The blue sky looks so beautiful from the mountain top, the slight chill gives the vibration of the heights and the calmness and coolness it has to offer. Nature is not to be ripped apart but to be seen as one entity, multiple energies combining to give one view to again many beings, to remain the same for everyone.

Similarly, the power to solve, the power to analyze and the power to be solution oriented, need to be harnessed and nurtured by many other powers like –

Power to be patient, power to be tolerant, power to be determined, power to concentrate even in the face of adversities, and many more (one can churn on this). And so, Lord Ganesha represents the blend of many powers combining in a ratio to give the product as a problem solver.

We see so many data scientists these days, creating beautiful world day by day by utilizing their powers to derive at a solution. The technology is moving so fast because the blend of powers of Lord Ganesha are bestowing its sustenance and its blessings on each one of us.

But it also becomes important to understand that the powers do not have a face. Lord Ganesha represents different aspects of the power to problem solve but in no way represents a being with such a body. One can find what the idol of Lord Ganesha represents easily over the internet, so I would not go into that detail. But the important point I would like to highlight is, the power has the face of the beholder. Beholder becomes the representator of that power and thus to have the power of Lord Ganesha, we need to become the beholder of that power and we need to learn to harness and nurture the ratio of all the other powers. Lord Ganesha lives in the thoughts of each one of us because we turn to him when we are faced with a situation and the blessing which Lord Ganesha gives is not a solution, but the power to find a solution, to come out of a situation by using the blessing.

Often it is depicted in our holy scriptures that someone prayed to the gods and received a blessing and with that blessing that person lived a choice of life. It is now that I realize that the blessing had always been the powers, which the person then used. It was never a direction but the raw power. And so, when we start to contemplate on Lord Ganesha (in other words start praying to him but not just verbally but intellectually) we pave a pathway for that power to enter into us, we build a gateway of acceptance for the powers to make the beholder its home. These powers have a consciousness of their own and they choose their container and so the container needs to please the powers, hence represented by great Tapasya done by all the great individuals.

We can see the imprints of Lord Ganesha’s powers in our bodies too. Afterall, as above so below! The body creates WBCs to fight any problem arising in the body and hence by contemplating on the powers of Lord Ganesha, we give the strength and direction to the body to word in any given problem as well. It is all related, the creator created everything in one way but we, due to lack of divine intellect, started ripping apart the entire existence trying to make sense by analyzing the small parts when the wonder lies in the whole!

There is an awakening in the world, to view things as a whole now and so the powers are now being awaken and are now looking for new containers. We need to make sure we are capable enough to sustain these powers.

Om Shanti

Breaking the Bondage of Time

I am sure each one of us has seen this image once in our life. This image reflects a masterpiece from Sistine chapel and is painted by Michelangelo. Its one of the most famous painting and holds a very close place in my heart because it’s the day and space where God reveals Himself to us, His children, and gives them the knowledge of singularity.

The first thing anyone ever notices in the painting is that God is reaching out with a finger and Man is receiving the reach by reaching out himself. Although the painting holds many secrets, which can be discussed later, this specific contact brings the knowledge of Bapdada in an emerged form.

Many questions arise when one notices this contact, why did God reach out just with a finger? Why didn’t He hug his child?

To begin the series of answers, one can see its not an ordinary reachout, after all its God who is reaching out and so only a touch is enough. But then the touch, the zap has another significance here. The zap translates singularity. God is trying to teach His fallen children after singularity. Singularity means ekagrata. Sticking the mind and intellect in just one thought.

But what is so special about singularity? What is not! At singularity time stops.

The way time is portrayed to us is like ticking clock and that all is we know about time. Because modern science fail to see other aspects of time. When we are asleep, we know that we see many dreams in one night and in each dream, we spend almost a lifetime but each dream only last about 10 minutes. So, what does this mean? Does this mean time is different then what we know about it?

There are two answers to this question –

Firstly, as explained by Baba many times, time is relative. We know from Baba’s knowledge that there are three types of thoughts – positive, negative and neutral and He has mentioned that each one of them have different speed. Meaning a physical hour can include hundreds of hours for a person who is filled with positive thoughts and can fill up the abundant energy from those positive thoughts but on the other side, an hour can mean a minute to the person who is filled with negative thoughts and by the end of that hour he would feel drained. This specifically tells us that time is relative, its faster when we are stuck with negativity and slower when we are inclined towards positive.

But then it has another angle, which is the angle of God

What if we are stuck with just one or none thought? That brings to the second point, where there is no existence of time at all. Time doesn’t exist in Paramdham because there are no thoughts. Even Baba doesn’t have a though there which results in the production of a place which is timeless. When we reach to this second point, its then we experience singularity.

The view from singularity is very beautiful because there you are not seeing each passing moment but the entire movie all together. It might be difficult in the beginning to wrap our brains about it but lets just imaging we have the physical film of a movie, the round black one, in our hand. We do not need to watch the entire movie; we do not need to live through the entire movie to see the scenes of the movie because we have the entire film in our hands.

What this means is more incomprehensible, but we can try. This means that time does not actually exist but is felt through out thoughts and if somehow, we break this bondage of time, we would start experiencing something very different and magnificent.


Then our consciousness would have the power to link itself to anyone and anything at any given moment and would have the power to influence it. We have many times heard that when Baba is speaking the murli, He is not speaking for just the people in front of Him or present Brahmins but for those too who are yet to come. Meaning, He is not bonded by time. Meaning His consciousness is connected to everyone because He can access any part of the film whenever He like. When we become like Him, when we make an effort to break the bondage of time, I feel we become connected with the entire movie in one go. And by being connected and by even being in one location at one time, we are able to influence what is about to come and what has already passed. The way past events and future has an impact on us, we also have the same impact. But we are unaware. Even if our consciousness is not that developed to witness this impact, that doesn’t mean we are not impacting. We are impacting at all times because there is no time. Each scene in the drama is related to every other scene not in a sequential manner but one on one. But when we put an effort to break the bondage, we start seeing the impact.

This is Soul Consciousness, because Soul is timeless. We often thought that when Baba says Soul is Avinashi, He just meant nothing can destruct the soul, but He probably also meant that the vibrations, impact and existence of the Soul is timeless, that the Soul is always connected to the entire drama.

This is the power of Singularity. At singularity only information exists and nothing else. With this knowledge we can work to bring this concept in an emerged form. As a practice we can do a self-talk that I am bounded by Time; I am connected to everything and everyone at all times; I can use this Avinashi connection to influence people and provide them with what they need even before they started needing it; I am seeing everything as a whole; I am above all the energies created by Baba because I am master almighty.

I think the only key is detachment i.e. Baba.

Thank you, Michelangelo, for constructing such a beautiful piece, it is thought provoking.

Om shanti

Friday, February 26, 2021

Pavitrata - A state of Coherence

We now understand that Shiv Baba, the creator of Divine Structure and Infinite Divine Light and Might, can and is sending His powerful light in the form of coded information to once again create heaven on earth. Baba mentions in many Murlis that He is the creator of Heaven and not hell meaning He has the information of the Divine Structure of Heaven which He keeps sending to Earth from the Soul World.

When the deities dropped from their Divine Stage, they created many ancient monuments which were catching this Divine Information from Soul World to maintain peace and prosperity in the entire universe. Many Jyotirlingams were also created and established on the energy lines of Bharath to do the same for Bharath, similarly pyramids and many more were created and established.

But this raises the question, 

What actually happens when we during Golden and Silver Ages and these monuments during Copper and Iron Ages catch and ground the Divine Light of Shiv Baba which helps raise the frequency of the entire universe?
If we look at Shrimath from a point of view of establishment of the Golden Age, it would appear that Baba keeps repeating that we are establishing our Kingdom on Shrimath and so we must keep balance, have blessings for others, give Sakash to the world, have alignment in thought, words and deeds. All these things bundle up under Pavitrata. 

What are these deeds and mentalities creating in the soul?
A state of Coherence. Coherence happens when two waves are in phase. 
Figure 1 - Please refer to the image below to understand what is coherence.

Figure 2 - Please also notice the energy band for different emotions. Bliss creates the most powerful energy impression (elevated state) vs lust the lower most.

When we are aligned in our thoughts, words and deeds, we create complete coherence because for us to align at all these levels, our Mind, Intellect and Sanskars would have to be aligned, they would have to agree and so other powers would assist in manifesting the thought and words. Its like, I the soul, am not alone in making things happen (Baba also mentions that the soul is Karavanhar) and I am looking for a group of powers to completely agree with each other to make things happen in this Sakar World.

For e.g. if I have been betrayed by someone I trust or I like, using the knowledge I would think about all the Knowledgeful points - It is Drama, Drama is Kalyankari, the soul is not in control but is a slave of vices, its not the soul's fault, etc. But such thoughts never give us the relief because although we are revising the knowledge but the emotions i.e. the energy in motion is denying the knowledge and we are filled with rage and anger and resentment and so the Intellect and Mind are not aligned or rather not in coherence and so the result is Incoherence which is giving us the trouble.

So lets look at few of Baba Mahavakya to understand it better -
  1. The Balance of Heart and Brain - This balance is actually a state of coherence between our emotions and brain
  2. Purity is not just about Celibacy - Purity is actually complete coherence which is heightened or can be understood better by being celibate
  3. Remain stable in both praise and condemnation (स्तुति और निंदा दोनों में समान स्थिति बनाओ) - By being stable in both these states we maintain coherence and thus remain situated in elevated stage.
How does being coherent helps remain in an elevated stage?
Coherence mean that all our powers are aligned with each other. We know from Quantum Mechanics that our thoughts, all the subtle powers are actually waves in nature. By keeping a stable mind and by creating a coherent state we bring all of these waves together to create a big wave (as shown in the image above). This big wave is much more powerful that the individual waves, the collective is now working towards a common goal and I the soul, am vibrating at a very high frequency. This is another reason that Baba always speak about Forever (सदा) because by constantly being in this state we are constantly creating huge impact. This is the state of creation because we are syncing all our powers towards one thought which is enabling a lot of power to that thought and hence the thought have a lot of power to change into a manifestation. 

Side Note - I believe when Baba says thought (sankalp) its not just a thought but a thought and associated feeling, the feeling which is in sync with the quality of thought. Only such a thought can carry manifestation. So Sankalp is The context + the feeling (Determination/ Love/ Gratitude/ Knowledge/ Nishchay, etc.)
Please click here to understand the phenomenon in depth.

This brings us to another question - 

What is impurity/vices?
The state of being out of phase with our own powers is impurity which creates deformed state of being. Such a state always stirs us (हलचल). Due to which we are unable to maintain our elevated stage. I have experienced in my case if I ever accept any recognition from others, I feel a lot of unrest because I have received (willingly) the praise which is impure because no one on the earth right now is capable of sending pure vibration at all times and also if someone is praising me, the chances are they are inclined towards me which is creating imbalance in them. Due to this impurity and acceptance of the imbalanced energy of praise (incoherent waves of energy), I go off-balance. That is why Baba always talks about not accepting anything in this world now, we are studying for the new world and we would get return there only which is a completely coherent world. 

Farishta / Angelic Stage - A stage of complete coherence

The state of being an angel is a state of being completely coherent, not just Mind, Intellect and Sanskars but the body too. 

इस पर बाबा ने सुनाया कि अन्त समय में तुम्हारा यह व्यक्त शरीर भी बिल्कुल स्थिर हो जायेगा। अभी तो पुराना हिसाब-किताब होने के कारण शरीर अपनी तरफ खींचता है लेकिन अन्त में बिल्कुल स्थिर, शान्त हो जायेगा। कोई भी हल- चल न मन में, न तन में रहेगी। जिसको ही बाबा कहते हैं देही अभिमानी स्थिति। (Avyakt Murli - 18/01/1969) 

Imagine a room filled with 10,000 people and all of them are observing a play. At the end of the mind-blowing play all of them start clapping but they are all clapping coherently, together which is creating a huge wave of sound and vibration.

Something like this would happen with our bodies too. The average human has approximately 100 trillion cells and each cell is made of approximately 100 trillion atoms. Imagine, all these trillions and trillions of atoms of one person resonating with all other brahmin souls at one frequency, the frequency of Baba! This state would bring heaven on earth! 

I do not think we are going to leave the body to become Farishta/Angel but the body would become a part of higher frequency, the body would enable more light of the soul to go out by syncing with the frequency of the soul, the body would become a vehicle then to reach the Farishta/Angelic Stage.

And so, after keeping this in mind, we can make effort to bring more and more coherence in all our thoughts. With this effort we can help other souls bring out their best by sending coherent and consistent thoughts and energy towards them (shubh bhawana - Heart Coherence and shubh kamana - Brain/Thought Coherence). We can also cure diseases, which is basically incoherence, by being more coherent.

Please watch/read these to understand what coherence is doing at the physical level - 
  • Gregg Braden on heart and brain coherence - Click Here
  • Bruce Lipton on Brain Synchronicity (coherence) - Click Here
  • Dr Joe Dispenza on Heart and Brain Coherence - Click Here
  • To read about Science of Sakash - Click Here
To know more about scientists working on the same or more material on the same topic, please drop a comment.

Om Shanti

Monday, February 15, 2021

Science of Sakash - Spreading the Light and Might of Shiv Baba - Lighthouse Mighthouse explanation

In order to understand the science behind Sakash, the yogic practice where we send powerful vibrations of peace and power to the world by remembering Supreme Soul, God Father Shiva, I would have to explain the Gariaev's Experiment - Healing with Light

In the experiment two different groups of Rats were given identical doses of Alloxan which kills the pancreases which would make them die of diabetes. 

Control group of rats which were not given any special energetic treatment i.e. light related treatment died in 4-6 days because due to the use of Alloxan they lost their pancreases which is responsible to create insulin which regulates blood sugar by enabling the absorption of the sugar in the cells for energy (glucose). 

Second group was given a different kind of treatment, i.e. the energetic treatment.
In the course of treatment, the experimenter surgically removed spleen and pancreas of the rats of second group while they were healthy. 

Please Note - Now there is no need to give the toxin Alloxan because the blood sugar would rise automatically because the pancreas which produces Insulin which regulates the blood sugar is surgically removed from the rats' bodies.

The experimenter now beams a laser, through the surgically removed spleen and pancreas and redirects the laser to the rats that were missing the pancreas. As a result the blood sugar normalized because pancreas has regrown completely of the existing cells in the body.

Please note - Organs of rats do not grow back after removing them just like they do not grow back for humans. And if a human is missing an organ, he needs to get the organ transplant to get the organ.

This healing light can travel for up to 20 KMs. and one can still regrow the pancreas of the rats. This kind of healing just requires code, which can be given through the light and existing stem cells which the body always have because the body is supposed to reconstruct dead cells on frequent basis.

Now for understanding the Science of "Sakash".

When we connect with the Supreme Soul and we spread His light and might to the world, we actually, through our state, spread the blue print, the code of the perfect world i.e. the world of Golden Age or perfect existence which is filled with the powers and directions (code) of the almighty. When we send these light rays, through our meditation to the world, we are sending a signal to the soul through which the soul can re-create peace, happiness, joy for himself. Since we send the code (light) and power (might), it becomes easier for the soul to implement that in their life.

Note - In the above experiment, the experimenter was only sending code and the might i.e. the power to implement it was coming from the body, the will for the rat to live. Here, as a force of will i.e. might, we are sending our powerful wish to heal others and the world.

Shiv Baba is a creator of a world which has no place for sorrow in it and so the rays which are being transmitted through Him are the rays which do not contain any imprint of sorrow or sadness or unhappiness. Since He is the creator of perfect world, viceless world, world of abundance, His rays carry the same information. When we become instrument of spreading His light, the light first travels through us and we feel elevated and this elevated state helps us in sending these vibrations to more than 20 KMs, almost to the whole world. 

We also vibrate these rays of Shiv Baba by being in the state of peace and love and happiness even while not meditating. Our way of being also carries this information on how to handle uncomfortable situations and this information, through out heightened state in the form of light and might, gets carries to the entire world and people learn indirectly how to come out of their misery. 

On the occasions when we get a mystical experience from Baba as a gift, or we get a really good connection and hence powers from Baba as a gift, if we remember and situate in the outlook of world benefactor, we can use this lift, this gift to elevate the entire world, instead of becoming an extrovert by talking about the experience, by explaining the experience, by discussing the experience, etc. and losing all the power to body consciousness. We can call upon our powers to submerse these feelings and then the state of being of these submersed feelings then radiates out in the form of light and might. 

The concept of Sakash hence becomes very important to understand because if we do not believe in it or if we believe in just words and not its meaning then the elevated state is not reached and then we are not able to contribute at the mass level.

-Om Shanti

The impure world has to be destroyed. How else would the pure world be created? Can the impure world and the pure world exist at the same time?

At the beginning of the Confluence Age when the Purifier, Supreme Soul, God Shiva descends from the Soul World i.e. Paramdham, He brings the wave of change with Him, the wave of Mass Transformation which would transform the Old World into the New World. During the entire Confluence Age however, these two worlds exist together. It is the time of endless possibilities because the one bestowing the power to manifest possibilities has come down on earth, meaning He has started playing His part to bestow fortune on whoever is interested in making the fortune. 

During the confluence age, however, it is us, the deity souls who decide to believe and pull the Golden Age, i.e. the upcoming Kingdom of Deities. But it has to be understood that the possibilities of Negativity, impure creation through impure thoughts still exists, looms on the soul and the weight is felt by the soul. 

I used to think that I need to face negativity, have a war with it and win it to actually be called a true Brahmin but recently it dawned on me that maintaining the state of soul consciousness, keeping it intact in whichever way possible, i.e. by using Baba's knowledge or by yoga or by service is the key to eliminate negativity from the entire world. However another understanding is important to have the complete understanding, i.e. I need to understand why I am engaging in the knowledge, seva, yoga?

If I am engaging in the treasure of Baba to avoid negativity then I am not fighting, not learning but running away from the entire process of becoming Pure. I am keeping myself ignorant from the process of learning and hence losing the insight to maintain my state. Maintaining the state is of utmost importance and so using these tools to learn to maintain it is most important. To engage in them to experiment with them, to know my deep sanskars which are otherwise hidden in plain sight is the goal which would make me progress. It is only through the outlook of being a student would help me in gaining the greater understanding about the subtle powers and my weaknesses not allowing me to gain those powers.

It all depends upon our outlook towards things. I recall when I used to use the tools given by Baba to run away from the entire situation completely the way I used to use TV, friends, work, job, travel, etc to run away from my inner demons. That would not help me because I am not building resilience, endurance and in the end there would be no where to run and then I would be left with no powers and understanding.

Neither the outlook of a warrior or an outlook of ignorant would help me claim my position in the Suryavanshi Kingdom, the Kingdom of Golden Age. So the outlook of learning, being a student, helps because only through study would I actually grasp the deep state of existence of God and His upcoming creating, The Golden Age.

It is not that I am greedy to become a Suryavanshi. No, I am curious to know and live the state which is so dear to the God Himself. I am curious to live next to God.

-Om Shanti

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Divine Planning called Drama

 Birth by birth since Copper Age, we, the deities, played a crucial role in directing the entire Human Consciousness towards the last days of the Confluence Age, the age to once again meet the Creator.

In the beginning of Copper Age, when the deities fell from New World into the Old World, we knew that its only in the end that we would meet the creator who would help us in re-establishing the New World.

But I think we must have known that till that happens we would be guiding the Human Consciousness towards those days because God will play a part only in the end. Also, we must have known for Him to come back on Earth, there has to be a great divide in existence on Earth for Him to once again create Oneness. I feel, I the Soul knew, this pain has to come, the fall has to come for Him to come back again. The Drama has to move towards the downfall of Human Consciousness for Him to create Divine Consciousness once again. It could be thought of as for doing the right thing sometimes one has to take harsh steps.

Due to our subtle sense of everything, gifted to us by Baba, we continuously guided human souls for these days of the end. We kept becoming an instrument to keep Him alive in the minds of the Souls, to keep pulling Him down. Baba says Because you called for me, I have come now. So maybe calling Him out is also very important, an important part of the Drama and so we created Bhakti. Through the tradition of Bhakti, birth by birth we kept pulling Him down, calling Him down. We did everything we could, in our might to keep remembering Him. We did not let the world forget about Him and the drama supported that too because then many religious founders came to re-establish some parts of the Divine Learnings to keep connecting with Him. In the world of growing miscommunication, I think we used all our powers to enable the communication with God, Shiv Baba.

It must have been a confusing time because things which seemed to have worked earlier were not working anymore. No matter how much we tried we were not coming close to our Divine State, the state of Liberation and Liberation-in-life. So, we the deity souls, who had tasted the comforts of joy and pleasure must have taken many steps to regain that state once again and hence would have built more traps for ourselves, creating more burden of Karmic Debt. In our search for the self and God, we got lost.

But when we were just about to lose all our hopes, we were completing forgetting Him i.e. losing trust in Him, completely getting immersed in the quicksand of our own creation, He came and pulled us out. He reminded us about our Promises of Past. Baba says You promised that when I would come you would surrender yourself to me.

But this doesn't fit with the description of Brahma Baba's life story so maybe some parts of his story are still unknown where he was about to lose faith.

Maybe that's why Baba emphasis a lot on Devotion and our roles in it where people pray in front of our idols because we remind people, our stories reminded people that there is a God. With all our might, we kept Him alive in us. Baba says The rays of sunshine automatically confirms the existence of the Sun. Godly Love, divine love, unconditional love confirms the existence of God.

It must be noted that even in body conscious state, in all our 63 births in the Old World, we were just trying to come closer to Baba, to the divine. We took births to further our search for Him, we planned our journey to find Him, we took guidance to come close to Him and eventually all these planning and learning led us to Him or rather led Him to us. We must have contributed to sciences, arts, economics to experiment with the laws to stumble upon just the right Balance of things to attain our Higher Self on the slippery ground of the Old World. It was tricky but we managed to find Him. 

- Om shanti

To know more on the efforts of Deities to re-create Divine World (Tower of Babel) at the end of Silver Age please click here

The Papers of a Brahmin for the Post of World Emperor

Baba says Today's World Benefactors would be tomorrow's Emperors. When we think about how a soul would be given a position of World Emperor, it raises many questions. First and foremost is, who all are included in the world? Most basic answer one can think is souls and nature, these two must comprise of all the powers. It can be correct in a sense but our limited education so far never actually made us understand what comes under Nature and Souls? Which energies are actually participating?

Baba once mentioned that In the end there would be a tribunal who would be sitting to make me realize what all negative karma I have performed so far. So who all are included in this tribunal?

I have also come many Brahmins saying that It is Baba who takes so many papers, Baba sends Maya, etc.. I mostly do not agree with it because Baba is the one standing next to me when I am facing those problems or papers, so what is it that is exactly happening? Who is conspiring against me? Who is trying to bring me down? Who would be labelling me as a successful actor in the end?

I feel the answer is everyone. Imagine it to be like an election where we are being judged by all the powers In and Around us to understand if we are suited to handle the responsibilities of a World Emperor. Suppose for nature, Baba says In the end there would be papers from all the 5 elements. So, who would be taking this paper? It would be all the 5 elements because they are putting their vote in the bank for the candidate for future Master of the Kingdom of the Golden Age. They are deciding for them, who represent them the most, whom they would choose as their master. Similarly, Maya takes the paper because Maya needs to transfer the Kingdom to the next successor and so she wants to be sure. Similarly, entire soul community takes the paper because they are choosing their righteous King and so they want to be sure too.

So we are being tested by everyone, every energy subtle or gross is trying to gauge our caliber, trying to understand where we stand. In order to pass these tests firstly we need to know which all powers and energies are testing us and for that we need to observe the interplay of drama. Only after observing the subtlety of all the energies performing their not-so-obvious role, can we understand where do we lie in the beads of the rosary. 

Baba has come to educate us and He is establishing a New World, world of righteousness. He is giving away the positions and related knowledge for us to grab this opportunity but if we would not study we would never be able to grasp the deep knowledge of the drama and the interplay and the depth of the intertwined and collective impact of human souls and God and Nature.

So we are required to respect all the energies even before meeting them, knowing them, to get the opportunity to understand them. Because without respecting from heart the beauty of this drama and the role each and every consciousness is playing, the consciousness would never reveal itself. Its only after the consciousness realizes that I, the potential contestant for the position of World Emperor, has the best in his heart to serve all the consciousnesses with heart, only then out of respect they show themselves. It takes time and determination and humbleness to convince them to open up.

Gone are the days when water was just water, air was just air, plants were just plants. They are more than that. They are conscious, they are sensitive and they hold a position in the heart of God and they are looking for their next leader, next ruler.

-Om Shanti

Vishnu, Raavan - Pure household ashram - Explanation

Household means where there lives many under one roof. We know that nature, animals and other species follow the structure of Humans and Humans follow the structure of God but how would Baba have a Household? How would He operate in that way?

Household can be looked at Mother, Father and Children but at the subtle level, soul being a house for the powers, soul is also a Household. It has to have system in place to maintain, i.e. sustain the household. Divine sustenance - sustenance taught by God includes care, love, co-operation, understanding, etc. from all household members.

Keeping the household to be pure can be thought as each power (power of co-operation, power to face, power of mind, power of intellect, etc.) knowing its purpose and its caliber and performing the task as per that. Household being impure would mean each power interfering with another one, looking for dominance over others. The communication and co-operation is lost in the House of Soul and hence the same is reflected back in the external world because the Soul and the powers are responsible for creating the energy imprints which constructs the reality at the physical level, external world.

So a household being pure could be thought as a place filled with divinity. And so one needs to check which kind of Household am I running? It would not just mean impurity at the physical level but at the power level as well.

Question - They why does Baba say Lust is the greatest enemy for the Human Beings?

Because in that act one person wipes off the powers of the other person calling complete dominance over the person and hence enslaving that person.

The act in itself asks from one person for complete submission and another for complete governance. Of course in one go no one can know what exactly is happening and who is the energy vampire but it can be seen in the operation of the Household.

The person being submissive would then act out to call back some energy because it is required for the soul for sustaining and living. So heavy polarization takes place, divide and rule is installed, things are divided and dominance over different aspects and segments are constructed to ensure energy exchange for the survival of both the souls. We try to set boundaries saying this is mind and that's yours, which basically erodes Oneness.

Maybe this is the reason that initially one person willingly submit but later with increasing demands of the family and life style the couple starts fighting for the power, rule, to contain the vital energy intact.

Instead in the Pure Household, due to having more that enough energy and vital forces we readily give our energy to others and so we pay attention and care selflessly.

Ques - But does that mean in the Golden and Silver Ages this act would be there?

This act is actually an act to get the energy from the partner and to create a family. In the Golden and Silver Ages we would be so full of energy and our aura would be so widespread and vibrant, full of powers, that we wouldn't even require to touch someone to get the energy/power.

Power would flow incessantly for KMs and more. That is how the World Emperor and World Empress would sustain the divinity in these ages. That is why Baba says, in the Golden and Silver Ages we would have less population but in Kaliyug there are too many souls.

I think in Copper Age this act was created to procreate. In the later years of Kaliyug, this act became a way to snatch the energy off from another person. Before that we had enough for us so we never needed to take it from someone else.

This is the difference between Relation (Sambandh) and Bondage (Bandhan)

In relation I am willingly helping someone by willingly giving them the power of Baba during the Confluence Age and the power of mine in the Golden and Silver Ages but in Bondage (bandhan)  I am fighting for someone else's power somehow bowing them down in front of me to take control over other person's vital energy. This creates a bondage where I am dependent on that person. 

This can also explain Karma where when I took the debt of another person's powers, I need to payback. All the vices result in Karmic debt and therefore in the Golden and Silver Ages there is no debt, there is Akarm.

Concept of Vishnu and Ravan - When two people come together to start a family both in the Righteous Age and Unrighteous Ages, the two people combine their powers and make a super human from their combined Vital Energy Field. In the Righteous Age, this combined energy form is known as Vishnu (denoted by 4 hands - 2 of Shri Narayan and 2 of Shri Lakshmi) and in the Unrighteous Ages known as Ravan (denoted by 10 heads - 5 of male and 5 of female).

Both Vishnu and Ravan is a combined form which is required for the sustenance of the world. Combined form in the Righteous Ages gives unconditional sustenance because of being full with spiritual powers and divinity and so Vishnu and Vaishnav follow proper code of conduct and the people, the subject enjoy a beautiful stay filled with joy and love and peace. 

In the Unrighteous Ages, incomplete people come together to make first one complete energetic figure to sustain the limited family but later even the energetic figure becomes incomplete because of loss of spiritual power in the soul. Soon this incomplete energetic figure completes itself by deforming the divine energies into vices and both the partners fight for dominance over this energy not to sustain the offspring but for their individual survivals. It can be seen in the family that almost all the time the parents drain their children off their pure energy to feel complete. So more and more Karmic debt is acquired in such a situation and Ravan, i.e. influence of Vices keep strong hold over the Household because that's the only way for the soul to get the vital energy, to keep functioning. The entire human race rolls over to increasing divide between partners due to power play.

That is when Shiv Baba comes and supplies His abundant energy to stop the fight between the children for Spiritual Powers. He adopts Brahmins to fill them up and through them He fills the entire world with Spiritual Power. And with His spiritual powers the old world again transforms into New World, world of Abundance.

-Om Shanti

Friday, February 12, 2021

Playing the Role of a Child vs a Master (Being an Observant or Responsible)

Being an observer looks counterintuitive to being responsible. When we take responsibility we are required to call for few steps which are the right next steps for the group or an individual.

So how does one decide when do we need to become responsible and when do we need to remain as a detached observer?

I feel, as we know, that during the confluence age we are all studying to become deities and deities in the Golden and Silver Ages become the world emperors. Being the master of the entire world puts a lot of responsibility, but definitely deities were never stressed about it. Because they learnt in the confluence age, all there is to learn and perfect to easily and efficiently conduct their duties in the coming ages. We learn how to run the deity government which is basically an external reflection of self governance. 

Being a detached observer is a state of learning, learning how to perform a duty. Being detached is not running away from the responsibility, it actually enables us to understand the dynamics and interplay of all the energies in and around us. Being detached means to remain untethered with the flow of powers and to witness the interplay. This helps us in becoming stable, stable enough to learn.

So until we know fully what is going on, we keep detachment with us but that doesn't mean we do not take responsibility. We do take responsibility when we start getting a hold of things and start understanding few things. We take responsibility as an experiment to further witness the dynamics of the powers of responsibility and the vices keeping a hold of us. We learn to navigate that sea. We never take full responsibility because until the end of Confluence Age, we never fully grasp all the concepts and related experiences. That's why Baba says, Always remain trustee. There is a lot of power in being the trustee because it enables a healthy environment to make mistakes and to learn. But only an honest heart would not take advantage during such mistakes. But then He also says You have huge responsibility on you. He doesn't want us to get scared, that reaction is happening between vices and the powers of responsibility, but He wants us to learn to handle the pressure which are actually many powers about which we are not aware of.

To truly understand the entire interplay of all the energies one would need to take responsibility to move ahead, one would have to put their heads in the Seva but it is all to make us learn which can only happen while remaining detached. That is why Baba says Keep a Balance between being a child and a master. Both are required to learn. And in the Golden and Silver Ages we would in return become the masters because the study would get over.

-Om shanti

Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar are the deities of the subtle region. Prajapita Brahma definitely has to exist here.

Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar are the Holy Trinity. These are three different kinds of consciousness through with God, the Supreme Soul, Almighty Shiva creates, transforms and sustain the world and all the subtle and gross energies in it. These consciousnesses are always present.

If we look at the old world, current world, even though right now Shiv Baba is transforming it into the New World, even in the old world we, the souls, are using the consciousness of Brahma, the creator, the Mind of God. Even in the New World, i.e. Golden Age, after the establishment of Golden Age by Shiv Baba, we would be using this consciousness to create new things, new perspectives, new experiences. 

So that means even in the Golden Age we there are subtle worlds. We might not be aware about them on regular basis but the subtle world has to exist because in that world these three consciousnesses play their role, from there we keep on getting the power to create new things.

When in the old world, Shiv Baba comes, He teaches us how to get hold of these powers. He teaches us about His creation, about the subtle energies which are responsible for the world to move each second and be in action. Through the consciousness of Brahma, in the old world, Shiv Baba teaches us how to use the powers of Brahma and use our Mind to view and feel what we ought to manifest in the Golden Age. We are being taught in the Old World the power of Mind and Intellect which play an immense role in creating the world we would soon be living in. Here only the power of thought is being explored and hence Baba keeps saying to not eat the unripe fruit of manifestation. Once, according to Baba, we learn everything about these subtle energies, all of them, at all folds, we are ready to manifest it in our New World. 

Once in the Golden Age when we know how to operate them, they are being provided from the infinite sea of Aether, the 6th element to help us to experience what we want to experience.

Side Note - It can be understood that these three consciousnesses have different powers at their dispense. Like for Brahma, power of creativity, power of openness, power to visualize, etc. would make the list; for Vishnu, i.e. to manifest, power of determination, power to mold, power to use and guide 5 elements would make the list. 

Vishnu is related to manifestation meaning in the Golden Age we are manifesting what we created here in the Old World based on Shrimath. Baba says, you are establishing the rule of Golden Age based on Shrimath. Baba is guiding us to make this world a possibility. So here, it must be required on our part to keep learning the nuances of the subtle energies which would constitute the functioning and sustenance of the Golden and Silver Age, the age of Deities on divine earth.

But one can think, why are such and such events are manifesting in front of us when we are thinking and creating through the thoughts of guidance from Shrimath.

Here whatever is required for creation, for leaning and growing is getting manifested in front of us to make us more and more aware about our and Universe's powers. That is probably the reason that we keep facing new scenes of Drama where we are asked to endure, look at the positive side, etc. because we need to understand and grasp these concepts to very subtle scale for us to control them in the future. 

And so when we would, numberwise, learn the art of creation, all the knowledge which is required to create the Golden Age, we would use the power of Shankar consciousness to destroy/transform the old world into the new world. Here, we are also learning the art to transform i.e. handle the Shankar Stage and maintain it. That's why Baba says only in that stage, i.e. seed stage, we can destroy vices because its the Shankar energy which can cause the destruction/transformation. In no other state can be get liberated from our bondages of Karma because only Shankar stage has the power to break the subtle chains of Karma.

Open Question - Does that mean that all the scientists who are creating instruments for destruction are somehow accessing this energy, the energy of seed stage? Are they getting the taste of Soul Consciousness?

- Om Shanti

This study of yours is for the new world

The occupation of the vices and their dealings where a person was incomplete and so the society had to create all these occupations and jobs are now coming to an end. We can see the signs everywhere. People are not content with the way things are moving (in general the contentment level has decreased from our earlier generation) and so they are tired of looking at things in pieces, now approaching towards holistic approach. Signs are everywhere.

So the occupation of the old are not going to survive in the New World where one person is complete, whole in itself. We are studying for that world.

People are waking up, beginning to remember because He (Almighty Godfather Shiva) has brought that wave of knowledge, negating the ignorance.

In the new world, there would be new currency, new knowledge, new laws, new perspective. So we are studying for that and only He can teach us that because He is the creator of that world.

The fear, anger, violence can no more prevail and so people holding on to that currency would use it more and more and more because that's the way they spend it and reduce it and so all these things would grow more but the souls who hold the currency for the new the new world would hold the exchange or distribution of that. They got this currency from the creator of the New World, who is right now distributing it. So the only shop running would deal in the new currency. 

The currency of free will, currency of freedom, happiness, eternal and unconditional love and care, respect and all the divine virtues and powers because the divine Himself is creating that world.

Up until now, people dealing with these currencies were taken to be fools and yes the currency did not have power in it, no one was buying it.

But the only who is in-charge of these currencies has now come to fill it yet again with His Mighty Powers and soon only they will be in use, in rotation because its the need of time, time being alive demands it now, for a complete change of administration, rule and regulation and establishment of a new kingdom. This change is not out of ordinary, things change, rules change, civilizations change and so now the rule of old is about to transform. Those who align themselves and fill themselves up with the new currency would be able to enter into the new world where their income would mean something and where their perceptions would be far from being obsolete. But those who would hold on to their anger, lust, greed would find it difficult to survive because soon this old is about to get transformed.

And so, we are studying for the upcoming world and are making fortune for the same.

- Om shanti

To know more about awakening/ascension at the Global Level, check out these links -

Lorie Ladd - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXxn1HpP2HYaRjgqf1MXx0A

Lee Harris - https://www.youtube.com/user/LeeHarrisEnergy

David Wilcock - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEyqT2_ricA&list=PL6A911FBEFE22D50B&ab_channel=DavidWilcock%7CDivineCosmos%28OFFICIAL%29

Deep Time and the flow of Drama

When Baba addresses anyone in the Murli, first thing He suggests is to be present in Soul Conscious State to get connected with Baba and His...