Friday, February 26, 2021

Pavitrata - A state of Coherence

We now understand that Shiv Baba, the creator of Divine Structure and Infinite Divine Light and Might, can and is sending His powerful light in the form of coded information to once again create heaven on earth. Baba mentions in many Murlis that He is the creator of Heaven and not hell meaning He has the information of the Divine Structure of Heaven which He keeps sending to Earth from the Soul World.

When the deities dropped from their Divine Stage, they created many ancient monuments which were catching this Divine Information from Soul World to maintain peace and prosperity in the entire universe. Many Jyotirlingams were also created and established on the energy lines of Bharath to do the same for Bharath, similarly pyramids and many more were created and established.

But this raises the question, 

What actually happens when we during Golden and Silver Ages and these monuments during Copper and Iron Ages catch and ground the Divine Light of Shiv Baba which helps raise the frequency of the entire universe?
If we look at Shrimath from a point of view of establishment of the Golden Age, it would appear that Baba keeps repeating that we are establishing our Kingdom on Shrimath and so we must keep balance, have blessings for others, give Sakash to the world, have alignment in thought, words and deeds. All these things bundle up under Pavitrata. 

What are these deeds and mentalities creating in the soul?
A state of Coherence. Coherence happens when two waves are in phase. 
Figure 1 - Please refer to the image below to understand what is coherence.

Figure 2 - Please also notice the energy band for different emotions. Bliss creates the most powerful energy impression (elevated state) vs lust the lower most.

When we are aligned in our thoughts, words and deeds, we create complete coherence because for us to align at all these levels, our Mind, Intellect and Sanskars would have to be aligned, they would have to agree and so other powers would assist in manifesting the thought and words. Its like, I the soul, am not alone in making things happen (Baba also mentions that the soul is Karavanhar) and I am looking for a group of powers to completely agree with each other to make things happen in this Sakar World.

For e.g. if I have been betrayed by someone I trust or I like, using the knowledge I would think about all the Knowledgeful points - It is Drama, Drama is Kalyankari, the soul is not in control but is a slave of vices, its not the soul's fault, etc. But such thoughts never give us the relief because although we are revising the knowledge but the emotions i.e. the energy in motion is denying the knowledge and we are filled with rage and anger and resentment and so the Intellect and Mind are not aligned or rather not in coherence and so the result is Incoherence which is giving us the trouble.

So lets look at few of Baba Mahavakya to understand it better -
  1. The Balance of Heart and Brain - This balance is actually a state of coherence between our emotions and brain
  2. Purity is not just about Celibacy - Purity is actually complete coherence which is heightened or can be understood better by being celibate
  3. Remain stable in both praise and condemnation (स्तुति और निंदा दोनों में समान स्थिति बनाओ) - By being stable in both these states we maintain coherence and thus remain situated in elevated stage.
How does being coherent helps remain in an elevated stage?
Coherence mean that all our powers are aligned with each other. We know from Quantum Mechanics that our thoughts, all the subtle powers are actually waves in nature. By keeping a stable mind and by creating a coherent state we bring all of these waves together to create a big wave (as shown in the image above). This big wave is much more powerful that the individual waves, the collective is now working towards a common goal and I the soul, am vibrating at a very high frequency. This is another reason that Baba always speak about Forever (सदा) because by constantly being in this state we are constantly creating huge impact. This is the state of creation because we are syncing all our powers towards one thought which is enabling a lot of power to that thought and hence the thought have a lot of power to change into a manifestation. 

Side Note - I believe when Baba says thought (sankalp) its not just a thought but a thought and associated feeling, the feeling which is in sync with the quality of thought. Only such a thought can carry manifestation. So Sankalp is The context + the feeling (Determination/ Love/ Gratitude/ Knowledge/ Nishchay, etc.)
Please click here to understand the phenomenon in depth.

This brings us to another question - 

What is impurity/vices?
The state of being out of phase with our own powers is impurity which creates deformed state of being. Such a state always stirs us (हलचल). Due to which we are unable to maintain our elevated stage. I have experienced in my case if I ever accept any recognition from others, I feel a lot of unrest because I have received (willingly) the praise which is impure because no one on the earth right now is capable of sending pure vibration at all times and also if someone is praising me, the chances are they are inclined towards me which is creating imbalance in them. Due to this impurity and acceptance of the imbalanced energy of praise (incoherent waves of energy), I go off-balance. That is why Baba always talks about not accepting anything in this world now, we are studying for the new world and we would get return there only which is a completely coherent world. 

Farishta / Angelic Stage - A stage of complete coherence

The state of being an angel is a state of being completely coherent, not just Mind, Intellect and Sanskars but the body too. 

इस पर बाबा ने सुनाया कि अन्त समय में तुम्हारा यह व्यक्त शरीर भी बिल्कुल स्थिर हो जायेगा। अभी तो पुराना हिसाब-किताब होने के कारण शरीर अपनी तरफ खींचता है लेकिन अन्त में बिल्कुल स्थिर, शान्त हो जायेगा। कोई भी हल- चल न मन में, न तन में रहेगी। जिसको ही बाबा कहते हैं देही अभिमानी स्थिति। (Avyakt Murli - 18/01/1969) 

Imagine a room filled with 10,000 people and all of them are observing a play. At the end of the mind-blowing play all of them start clapping but they are all clapping coherently, together which is creating a huge wave of sound and vibration.

Something like this would happen with our bodies too. The average human has approximately 100 trillion cells and each cell is made of approximately 100 trillion atoms. Imagine, all these trillions and trillions of atoms of one person resonating with all other brahmin souls at one frequency, the frequency of Baba! This state would bring heaven on earth! 

I do not think we are going to leave the body to become Farishta/Angel but the body would become a part of higher frequency, the body would enable more light of the soul to go out by syncing with the frequency of the soul, the body would become a vehicle then to reach the Farishta/Angelic Stage.

And so, after keeping this in mind, we can make effort to bring more and more coherence in all our thoughts. With this effort we can help other souls bring out their best by sending coherent and consistent thoughts and energy towards them (shubh bhawana - Heart Coherence and shubh kamana - Brain/Thought Coherence). We can also cure diseases, which is basically incoherence, by being more coherent.

Please watch/read these to understand what coherence is doing at the physical level - 
  • Gregg Braden on heart and brain coherence - Click Here
  • Bruce Lipton on Brain Synchronicity (coherence) - Click Here
  • Dr Joe Dispenza on Heart and Brain Coherence - Click Here
  • To read about Science of Sakash - Click Here
To know more about scientists working on the same or more material on the same topic, please drop a comment.

Om Shanti

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