Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Lord Ganesha

Om Shanti

Lord Ganesha is the best problem solver, best data scientist. Lord Ganesha – known as Vighan Vinashak, represents the power to solve the problems and analyzing it to find the next steps. Like any other power, the power to problem solve also needs support from other powers.

We know we live in a unified field/unified world/oneness. In nature we see, everything goes so well together, the sky leaves its reflection on the deep sea and the acceptance of the sea enables deep sea creatures to get the warmth of the Sun. The blue sky looks so beautiful from the mountain top, the slight chill gives the vibration of the heights and the calmness and coolness it has to offer. Nature is not to be ripped apart but to be seen as one entity, multiple energies combining to give one view to again many beings, to remain the same for everyone.

Similarly, the power to solve, the power to analyze and the power to be solution oriented, need to be harnessed and nurtured by many other powers like –

Power to be patient, power to be tolerant, power to be determined, power to concentrate even in the face of adversities, and many more (one can churn on this). And so, Lord Ganesha represents the blend of many powers combining in a ratio to give the product as a problem solver.

We see so many data scientists these days, creating beautiful world day by day by utilizing their powers to derive at a solution. The technology is moving so fast because the blend of powers of Lord Ganesha are bestowing its sustenance and its blessings on each one of us.

But it also becomes important to understand that the powers do not have a face. Lord Ganesha represents different aspects of the power to problem solve but in no way represents a being with such a body. One can find what the idol of Lord Ganesha represents easily over the internet, so I would not go into that detail. But the important point I would like to highlight is, the power has the face of the beholder. Beholder becomes the representator of that power and thus to have the power of Lord Ganesha, we need to become the beholder of that power and we need to learn to harness and nurture the ratio of all the other powers. Lord Ganesha lives in the thoughts of each one of us because we turn to him when we are faced with a situation and the blessing which Lord Ganesha gives is not a solution, but the power to find a solution, to come out of a situation by using the blessing.

Often it is depicted in our holy scriptures that someone prayed to the gods and received a blessing and with that blessing that person lived a choice of life. It is now that I realize that the blessing had always been the powers, which the person then used. It was never a direction but the raw power. And so, when we start to contemplate on Lord Ganesha (in other words start praying to him but not just verbally but intellectually) we pave a pathway for that power to enter into us, we build a gateway of acceptance for the powers to make the beholder its home. These powers have a consciousness of their own and they choose their container and so the container needs to please the powers, hence represented by great Tapasya done by all the great individuals.

We can see the imprints of Lord Ganesha’s powers in our bodies too. Afterall, as above so below! The body creates WBCs to fight any problem arising in the body and hence by contemplating on the powers of Lord Ganesha, we give the strength and direction to the body to word in any given problem as well. It is all related, the creator created everything in one way but we, due to lack of divine intellect, started ripping apart the entire existence trying to make sense by analyzing the small parts when the wonder lies in the whole!

There is an awakening in the world, to view things as a whole now and so the powers are now being awaken and are now looking for new containers. We need to make sure we are capable enough to sustain these powers.

Om Shanti

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