Monday, February 15, 2021

Science of Sakash - Spreading the Light and Might of Shiv Baba - Lighthouse Mighthouse explanation

In order to understand the science behind Sakash, the yogic practice where we send powerful vibrations of peace and power to the world by remembering Supreme Soul, God Father Shiva, I would have to explain the Gariaev's Experiment - Healing with Light

In the experiment two different groups of Rats were given identical doses of Alloxan which kills the pancreases which would make them die of diabetes. 

Control group of rats which were not given any special energetic treatment i.e. light related treatment died in 4-6 days because due to the use of Alloxan they lost their pancreases which is responsible to create insulin which regulates blood sugar by enabling the absorption of the sugar in the cells for energy (glucose). 

Second group was given a different kind of treatment, i.e. the energetic treatment.
In the course of treatment, the experimenter surgically removed spleen and pancreas of the rats of second group while they were healthy. 

Please Note - Now there is no need to give the toxin Alloxan because the blood sugar would rise automatically because the pancreas which produces Insulin which regulates the blood sugar is surgically removed from the rats' bodies.

The experimenter now beams a laser, through the surgically removed spleen and pancreas and redirects the laser to the rats that were missing the pancreas. As a result the blood sugar normalized because pancreas has regrown completely of the existing cells in the body.

Please note - Organs of rats do not grow back after removing them just like they do not grow back for humans. And if a human is missing an organ, he needs to get the organ transplant to get the organ.

This healing light can travel for up to 20 KMs. and one can still regrow the pancreas of the rats. This kind of healing just requires code, which can be given through the light and existing stem cells which the body always have because the body is supposed to reconstruct dead cells on frequent basis.

Now for understanding the Science of "Sakash".

When we connect with the Supreme Soul and we spread His light and might to the world, we actually, through our state, spread the blue print, the code of the perfect world i.e. the world of Golden Age or perfect existence which is filled with the powers and directions (code) of the almighty. When we send these light rays, through our meditation to the world, we are sending a signal to the soul through which the soul can re-create peace, happiness, joy for himself. Since we send the code (light) and power (might), it becomes easier for the soul to implement that in their life.

Note - In the above experiment, the experimenter was only sending code and the might i.e. the power to implement it was coming from the body, the will for the rat to live. Here, as a force of will i.e. might, we are sending our powerful wish to heal others and the world.

Shiv Baba is a creator of a world which has no place for sorrow in it and so the rays which are being transmitted through Him are the rays which do not contain any imprint of sorrow or sadness or unhappiness. Since He is the creator of perfect world, viceless world, world of abundance, His rays carry the same information. When we become instrument of spreading His light, the light first travels through us and we feel elevated and this elevated state helps us in sending these vibrations to more than 20 KMs, almost to the whole world. 

We also vibrate these rays of Shiv Baba by being in the state of peace and love and happiness even while not meditating. Our way of being also carries this information on how to handle uncomfortable situations and this information, through out heightened state in the form of light and might, gets carries to the entire world and people learn indirectly how to come out of their misery. 

On the occasions when we get a mystical experience from Baba as a gift, or we get a really good connection and hence powers from Baba as a gift, if we remember and situate in the outlook of world benefactor, we can use this lift, this gift to elevate the entire world, instead of becoming an extrovert by talking about the experience, by explaining the experience, by discussing the experience, etc. and losing all the power to body consciousness. We can call upon our powers to submerse these feelings and then the state of being of these submersed feelings then radiates out in the form of light and might. 

The concept of Sakash hence becomes very important to understand because if we do not believe in it or if we believe in just words and not its meaning then the elevated state is not reached and then we are not able to contribute at the mass level.

-Om Shanti

The impure world has to be destroyed. How else would the pure world be created? Can the impure world and the pure world exist at the same time?

At the beginning of the Confluence Age when the Purifier, Supreme Soul, God Shiva descends from the Soul World i.e. Paramdham, He brings the wave of change with Him, the wave of Mass Transformation which would transform the Old World into the New World. During the entire Confluence Age however, these two worlds exist together. It is the time of endless possibilities because the one bestowing the power to manifest possibilities has come down on earth, meaning He has started playing His part to bestow fortune on whoever is interested in making the fortune. 

During the confluence age, however, it is us, the deity souls who decide to believe and pull the Golden Age, i.e. the upcoming Kingdom of Deities. But it has to be understood that the possibilities of Negativity, impure creation through impure thoughts still exists, looms on the soul and the weight is felt by the soul. 

I used to think that I need to face negativity, have a war with it and win it to actually be called a true Brahmin but recently it dawned on me that maintaining the state of soul consciousness, keeping it intact in whichever way possible, i.e. by using Baba's knowledge or by yoga or by service is the key to eliminate negativity from the entire world. However another understanding is important to have the complete understanding, i.e. I need to understand why I am engaging in the knowledge, seva, yoga?

If I am engaging in the treasure of Baba to avoid negativity then I am not fighting, not learning but running away from the entire process of becoming Pure. I am keeping myself ignorant from the process of learning and hence losing the insight to maintain my state. Maintaining the state is of utmost importance and so using these tools to learn to maintain it is most important. To engage in them to experiment with them, to know my deep sanskars which are otherwise hidden in plain sight is the goal which would make me progress. It is only through the outlook of being a student would help me in gaining the greater understanding about the subtle powers and my weaknesses not allowing me to gain those powers.

It all depends upon our outlook towards things. I recall when I used to use the tools given by Baba to run away from the entire situation completely the way I used to use TV, friends, work, job, travel, etc to run away from my inner demons. That would not help me because I am not building resilience, endurance and in the end there would be no where to run and then I would be left with no powers and understanding.

Neither the outlook of a warrior or an outlook of ignorant would help me claim my position in the Suryavanshi Kingdom, the Kingdom of Golden Age. So the outlook of learning, being a student, helps because only through study would I actually grasp the deep state of existence of God and His upcoming creating, The Golden Age.

It is not that I am greedy to become a Suryavanshi. No, I am curious to know and live the state which is so dear to the God Himself. I am curious to live next to God.

-Om Shanti

Deep Time and the flow of Drama

When Baba addresses anyone in the Murli, first thing He suggests is to be present in Soul Conscious State to get connected with Baba and His...