Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar are the Holy Trinity. These are three different kinds of consciousness through with God, the Supreme Soul, Almighty Shiva creates, transforms and sustain the world and all the subtle and gross energies in it. These consciousnesses are always present.
If we look at the old world, current world, even though right now Shiv Baba is transforming it into the New World, even in the old world we, the souls, are using the consciousness of Brahma, the creator, the Mind of God. Even in the New World, i.e. Golden Age, after the establishment of Golden Age by Shiv Baba, we would be using this consciousness to create new things, new perspectives, new experiences.
So that means even in the Golden Age we there are subtle worlds. We might not be aware about them on regular basis but the subtle world has to exist because in that world these three consciousnesses play their role, from there we keep on getting the power to create new things.
When in the old world, Shiv Baba comes, He teaches us how to get hold of these powers. He teaches us about His creation, about the subtle energies which are responsible for the world to move each second and be in action. Through the consciousness of Brahma, in the old world, Shiv Baba teaches us how to use the powers of Brahma and use our Mind to view and feel what we ought to manifest in the Golden Age. We are being taught in the Old World the power of Mind and Intellect which play an immense role in creating the world we would soon be living in. Here only the power of thought is being explored and hence Baba keeps saying to not eat the unripe fruit of manifestation. Once, according to Baba, we learn everything about these subtle energies, all of them, at all folds, we are ready to manifest it in our New World.
Once in the Golden Age when we know how to operate them, they are being provided from the infinite sea of Aether, the 6th element to help us to experience what we want to experience.
Side Note - It can be understood that these three consciousnesses have different powers at their dispense. Like for Brahma, power of creativity, power of openness, power to visualize, etc. would make the list; for Vishnu, i.e. to manifest, power of determination, power to mold, power to use and guide 5 elements would make the list.
Vishnu is related to manifestation meaning in the Golden Age we are manifesting what we created here in the Old World based on Shrimath. Baba says, you are establishing the rule of Golden Age based on Shrimath. Baba is guiding us to make this world a possibility. So here, it must be required on our part to keep learning the nuances of the subtle energies which would constitute the functioning and sustenance of the Golden and Silver Age, the age of Deities on divine earth.
But one can think, why are such and such events are manifesting in front of us when we are thinking and creating through the thoughts of guidance from Shrimath.
Here whatever is required for creation, for leaning and growing is getting manifested in front of us to make us more and more aware about our and Universe's powers. That is probably the reason that we keep facing new scenes of Drama where we are asked to endure, look at the positive side, etc. because we need to understand and grasp these concepts to very subtle scale for us to control them in the future.
And so when we would, numberwise, learn the art of creation, all the knowledge which is required to create the Golden Age, we would use the power of Shankar consciousness to destroy/transform the old world into the new world. Here, we are also learning the art to transform i.e. handle the Shankar Stage and maintain it. That's why Baba says only in that stage, i.e. seed stage, we can destroy vices because its the Shankar energy which can cause the destruction/transformation. In no other state can be get liberated from our bondages of Karma because only Shankar stage has the power to break the subtle chains of Karma.
Open Question - Does that mean that all the scientists who are creating instruments for destruction are somehow accessing this energy, the energy of seed stage? Are they getting the taste of Soul Consciousness?
- Om Shanti
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